Rattlesnake-University Connection (RUX)

Phase 1 completed 2013; phase II completed 2014

The RUX Trail was constructed to give pedestrians and bikes a safe route to travel from the Lower Rattlesnake neighborhoods to the University of Montana. The 10’-wide asphalt non-motorized trail includes a bridge crossing Rattlesnake Creek. Located between Pine Street at Monroe and Van Buren, it also connects on-street bike routes downtown to the Lower Rattlesnake and the University. Once across Broadway, sidewalk and curb improvements were made and a bicycle lane added to create a safer space for non-motorized traffic to reach the Van Buren Street Bridge.

A lease agreement with MRL and an encroachment permit from the Montana Department of Transportation was required to construct the project. The RUX was partly funded by a Western Federal Lands Grant and Montana State Parks House Bill 0005.

Project Partners/Stakeholders:

Western Federal Lands Grant (Phase I)

Friends of Missoula Parks

City of Missoula

Montana Rail Link (MRL)

Montana Department of Transporation (MDT)

Property Owners


Kiwanis Park


Silver Summit All-Abilities Playground